
Showing posts from July, 2021

Tan oak

Photo by Jeremy Cov Scientific name: Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hook. & Arn.) Rehd. Common name: Tan oak Use: Dermatological aid Method: Infusion of bark used as a wash for face sores From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 20 Vascular plants: 40


  Photo by Elliot Gunnison Scientific name: Helenium puberulum DC. Common name: Rosilla Use: Dermatological aid Method: Dried , powdered plant applied to wounds From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 26 Vascular plants: 22

Great Valley Gumweed

Photo by llamabass42 from iNaturalist Scientific name: Grindelia camporum Greene Common name: Great Valley Gumweed Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used for dermatitis, poison oak, boils and wounds From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 26 Vascular plants: 22


Photo by Sarah Whilton Scientific name: Galium sp. Common name: Bedstraw Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used externally for wounds From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 24 Vascular plants: 57

California Buckthorn

photo by Mathew S. used under Creative Commons Scientific name: Frangula california Common name: California Buckthorn Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of leaves used for poison oak dermatitis From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 22 Vascular plants: 56

Hummingbird Trumpet

Photo by Rebecca Marschall used under  Creative Commons Scientific name: Epilobium canum ssp. Augustifolium (Keck) Raven Common name: Hummingbird Trumpet Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used for infected sores From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 5 Vascular plants: 46

American Wild Carrot

  Photo by Az Bell Scientific name: Daucus pusillus Michx Common name: American Wild Carrot Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant taken for itching From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 23 Vascular plants: 17


Photo by Luskoun on iNaturalist used under  Creative Commons Scientific name: Cirsium sp Common name: thistle Use: Dermatological aid Method: Pounded stalks used for face sores. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 26 Vascular plants: 20

Indian Paintbrush

Photo by Brian Starzomski used under  Creative Commons Scientific name: Castilleja affinis Hook & Arn Common name: Indian Paintbrush Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used as a wash or powdered plant applied to infected sores. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 15 Vascular plants: 47

Mule's Fat

photo by Christian Schartz used under  Creative Commons Scientific name: Baccharis salififolia Common name: Mule's Fat Use: Dermatological aid Method: Infusion of leaves and twigs used as wash for scalp and hair to encourage growth From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 26 Vascular plants: 20

Saltmarsh Baccharis

Photo by Natalie McNear Scientific name: Baccharis douglasii D. C. Common name: Saltmarsh Baccharis Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used as a wash for wounds Dried, powered stems applied as a disinfectant to wounds. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 26 Vascular plants: 20

Woolly Milkweed

Scientific name: Asclepias eriocarpa Benth. Common name: Woolly Milkweed Use: Dermatological aid Method: Milky juice to reduce corns. From: BRIT Reference:  Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg12

California Sagebrush

Photo by Alcnney on iNaturalist Scientific name: Artemisia california Less. Common name: California Sagebrush Use: Dermatological aid Method: Poultice of leaves applied to wounds From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 25 Vascular plants: 19

Angelica sp

Photo by Alexey P. Seregin Scientific name: Angelica sp Use: Dermatological aid Method: Heated leaf juice rubbed on sores. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 23 Vascular plants: 17

Yerba Mansa

Photo by Eduardo Mejia Scientific name: Anemopsis california Nutt. Hook & Arn Common name: Yerba Mansa Use: Dermatological aid Method: Dried, powdered plant applied as a disinfectant to wounds. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 28 Vascular plants: 54

Boreal Yarrow

 Scientific name: Achilles millefolium var. borealis (Bong.) Farw Common name: Boreal Yarrow Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used as a wash for sores From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 25  Vascular plants: 19

Northern Maidenhair

Scientific name: Adiantum pedatum L. Common name: Northern Maidenhair Use: Blood medicine Method: Decoction of plant taken to purify the blood. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 5

California maidenhair

Photo by Tri Do on iNaturalist Scientific name: Adiantum jordanii C. Muell Common name: California maidenhair Use: Blood medicine Method: Decoction of plant taken to purify the blood. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 4 Vascular plants: 15

Douglas Groundsel

Scientific name: Senecio flaccidus vardouglasii (DC.) B.L. Turner & T.M. Barki Common name: Douglas Groundsel Use: Gynecological aid Method: Infusion of plant taken by women for "lockjaw" after childbirth From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 27 

Birdfoot Cliffbrake

Photo by Lexi Roberts Scientific name: Pellaea mucronata (DC. EAT) DC. EAT Common name: Birdfoot Cliffbrake Use: Antihemorrhagic Method: Decoction of plant used for internal injuries to cough up 'bad blood'. AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Infusion of leaves used as a wash for facial sores. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 5 Vascular plants: 15

Coyote Mint

Scientific name: Monardella villosa Benth. Common name: Coyote Mint Use: Blood medicine Method: Poultice of plant applied to back cuts to draw out "bad blood" for pneumonia From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 16 Vascular plants: 43

Feather Solomon's Seal

  Photo by Edwin Knuth Scientific name: Maianthemum racemosum ssp. Racemosum Common name: Feather Solomon's Seal Use: Contraceptive Method: Decoction of leaves used a s contraceptive From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 28 Vascular plants: 74

California Sealavender

Photo by Sula Vanderplank Scientific name: Limonium californiicum (Boiss.) Heller Common name: California Sealavender Use: Blood medicine Method: Decoction of plant used to clean the blood. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 11 Vascular plants: 51

Roundleaf Leatherroot

Photo by kingsgate  used under·  Creative Commons   Scientific name: Hoita Orbicularis (Lindl.) Rydb Common name: Roundleaf Leatherroot Use: Blood medicine Method: Decoction of plant used for the blood. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 19 Vascular plants: 37

California Yerba Santa

  photo used by  Creative Commons Scientific name: Eriodictyon Californicum Common name: California Yerba Santa Use: Blood medicine Method: Decoction of plant taken to purify the blood AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Plant combined with other herbs and used for infected sores. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 13 Vascular plants: 27

Smooth Horsetail

  Photo by Sac Jackson used under Creative Commons Scientific name: Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun Common name: Smooth Horsetail Use: Contraceptive Method: Decoction used as a contraceptive AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of stalks used a hair wash From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 4 Vascular plants: 14

Sacred Thornapple

 Photo by Marrisa Tirado Scientific name: Datura Wrightii Regel Common name: Sacred Thornapple Use: Love medicine Method: Seeds and tobacco smoked as an aphrodisiac From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 214 AND Use:: Dermatological aid Method: Ground leaves used as a salve for boils. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 14 Vascular plants: 59

Wavyleaf Soapplant

Photo by Stacie Vance used under Creative commons ( Scientific name; Chlorogalum pomeridain (DC.) Kunth Common name: Wavyleaf Soapplant Use: Soap Method: Bulbs produced a detergent foam used in washing From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 255 AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Pounded stalks used as a wash for dandruff. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 28 Vascular plants: 61

California goosefoot

image by Heather Liz (iNaturalist)  Scientific name: Chenopodium californicum (s. Wats.) Common name: California goosefoot Use: soap Method: Scraped roots and water used to produce detergent foam From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 249 Vascular plants: 32

Spotted Sandmant

image by BJ Stacey Scientific name: Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small Common name: Spotted Sandmant Use: Blood medicine Method: Infusion of plant taken to purify the blood AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used as a wash for cuts. From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 9 Vascular plants: 35

California Lilac

 Scientific name: Ceanothus sp Common name: California Lilac Use: Soap Method: Decoction used as a detergent From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 250 AND Use: Dermatological aid Method: Decoction of plant used as a wash for facial blemishes and the hair From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 22 Vascular plants: 55

Yerba Mansa

] Scientific name: Anemopsis california Nutt. Hook & Arn Common name: Yerba Mansa Use: Gynecological aid Method: Decoction of plant used for menstrual cramps From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 28 Vascular plants: 54

California Buckeye

  Scientific name: Aesculus california (Spach) Nutt. Common name: California Buckeye Use: Hemorroid Method: Smashed fruit applied as a salve for hemorrhoids From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 23 Vascular plants: 58

California maidenhair

  Scientific name: Adiantum jordanii C. Muell Common name: California maidenhair Uses: Gynecological aid Method: Decoction of plant used to expel the afterbirth & postpartution From: BRIT Reference: Bocek, B. R. 1984, 38(2) 240-255, pg 4 Vascular plants: yes